Futurama Alternate Version


Futurama is one of my favorite TV shows of all time, which is why I have to make this post. In fact, I even had to make a new television category for it, but I plan to make posts about TV shows in the future anyway. I came across this picture of the Futurama cast, but an alternative version of them. Everyone is a lot cooler, except maybe Leela. Now she's a 1-eyed pirate! But then again, pirates are pretty cool so I'll let it slide. Courtesy of MyConfinedSpace.

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Japanese Tetris IRL


There's apparently a Japanese gameshow where people play tetris with their bodies. It's hard to describe, so just watch the video. I found it hilarious. Thanks Christine for showing me the video - I'd like to be on this show as well. I think I could do all of them except for the jumping man one. That one's tough. I'd probably try just crawling through it as it came close to me.

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Best Bathroom Design EVER


Check out this bathroom design. I bet it'd be mighty uncomfortable to wash your hands...or would it? I'm sure someone must enjoy it. Whoever designed this is my hero!

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The GF Wants A Dog


So the GF has been clamoring for a puppy for who knows how long, and has recently decided to finally get one. She's set on getting a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. For those of you who don't know what that is, imagine a wiener dog, but furrier. A small, furry wiener dog. For some reason, that doesn't sound too appealing. Anyway, she's narrowed her search down to 2 particular furry wieners, and here they are:



Head on over to her xanga to vote for your favorite. She has more pictures of each, as well as pictures of their parents. Remember, xanga has a "vote anonymously" option, so feel free to vote/comment even if you don't have a xanga account.

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Kermit The Frog Goes To The Doctor's


Kermit wasn't feeling well, so he went to see the doctor...

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I've always wanted to be a ninja, or maybe a pirate. But a pirate ship is too dirty and cold. So I'm going with being a ninja. This flash game fulfills my dreams! Try to get as many stealth kills as possible. Use the arrow keys to move around, UP to jump, DOWN to crouch. S is for attack, and D is for defend. Have fun!

Courtesy of onemorelevel.com

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Humping USB Dog

Digital World Tokyo has come up with another classic Japanese invention: little dog figures that plug into any USB ports, and humps. Yes, it humps. And nothing else. It has no storage space or does anything even remotely useful. It just humps.

You can pick from a choice of 3 different breeds: Dalmatian, Labrador, or Beagle.

Here's a demo of a Beagle in action:

Head on over to Digital World Tokyo to buy your very own. $17.95 each, or $45.00 for the entire set.

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