Guild Wars: Eye of the North and Guild Wars 2


ArenaNet / NCsoft has announced the next expansion, Guild Wars: Eye of the North. This will be the third expansion in the Guild Wars series, and will feature a return to the land of Tyria, where the original Guild Wars: Prophecies took place. It will take place mostly in underground dungeons beneath Tyria, and will include "18 large, multi-level dungeons, 150 new skills across all 10 Guild Wars professions, 10 new Heroes, 40 new armor sets, and even more items, weapons and titles." Past expansions have always been stand-alone, meaning you can play the expansion without buying any of the prior games, but Eye of the North will require players to own at least one of the previous games. Eye of the North is expected to hit stores during the holiday season of 2007.

An even bigger announcement is Guild Wars 2, a brand new series that will be quite different from the original Guild Wars. One of the major differences between the current Guild Wars and other MMOs, namely World of Warcraft, is that all of the adventuring takes place in instances. Instances are individual little worlds that are run on the client's machine instead of the server side; this means that once you enter an instance, you will be only be able to interact with the party members that entered the instance with you. The drawback to this system is that there is less interaction between the players, which leads to loss of a community sense amongst the players. But the positive side of instances is that it relieves server loads, and allows Guild Wars to remain subscription free.

However, this will all change in Guild Wars 2. The MMO approach will be implemented alongside the instance system. This will allow the game to have "the best of both worlds." And by worlds I do mean World of Warcraft. Eye of the North is meant to transition players into Guild Wars 2; achievements unlocked in the original Guild Wars will directly benefit the player when they move over to Guild Wars 2. Players will be able to pick from several classes, including humans, Charr, Norn, Sylvari, and Asura, with the latter 3 being introduced in Eye of the North. Player versus player will take place in the Mists, a place where all players can compete, even between different worlds / servers. Moving between worlds / servers is instant, thus giving players the freedom to play where ever they want. And the best part of it all is that it will remain subscription free. The bad news is that beta is expected to begin at the end of next year, so release is still a long way down the road.

I've been a long-time fan of Guild Wars: I played during the beta for the original one, and own all of the expansions. The single player missions weren't bad, I actually had a pretty good time playing through the Prophecies campaign. But it's the PvP that really shines. Matches are extremely competitive, and require the highest level of coordination between team members. Ventrillo, TeamSpeak, or other forms of voice communication are mandatory. Don't expect to find a team or guild to join if you do not know how to use voice-com.

In order to really enjoy Guild Wars, you need to play at the higher levels of PvP competition. I've been fairly lucky to get in with a good crowd, and got the chance to compete at a high level of PvP. If you're able to do this, I would highly recommend Guild Wars. It is one of the few MMOs out there that have a real competitive edge to it, not to mention the fact that ArenaNet / NCsoft has been known to give out cash prizes of up to $100,000 for their seasonal tournaments.

Recent guilds that I've been a member of include Pirates of BBQ Bay [BBQ] and The Flying Liberaces [Ace]. Ace was able to finish in 17th place worldwide during the 2007 winter season. Since then I have quit the game, but occasionally you can find me in-game on Remix the Giant.

The official press release for Eye of the North and GW2 can be found here. Kotaku and Wired also have articles regarding the new releases.


Spring Update


Hello everyone! It's been 3 weeks since I've launched this site, and it has been officially spring for a week. I was late on getting the new banner made and put up, but it was a bit more difficult than I'd imagined it would be. I'm fairly new at this sort of thing, so it may not look like much. Hopefully I'll get better as we go down the road. If anyone is interested, here is how I made it:

First off, I'd like to thank David Shao for lending me his services. He took the photo that is the basis of the banner. I believe he used a Canon digital SLR, along with several lenses. I don't know the exact specifics as to which lens he used, but if anyone is curious leave a comment or send me an email and I'll get in contact with him. The picture is of the tachometer on my 2005 Honda S2000 hitting redline, or at least close to it. Here's the original prior to modification, aside from a resize. This is 1/10 the size of the original, which was close to 10 megabytes.

I used Photoshop CS2, which was once again provided for by David, to create the banner. I cropped the tachometer and resized it to my liking, and placed it on a black background. The background was filled with a gradient, going vertically from black to gray. In order to produce the blurry and pastel-like texture on the tachometer, I used a filter effect called cutout.

Next, and perhaps the hardest part, was finding a font that fit the whole theme. I went through loads of different fonts, from handwritten calligraphy to graffiti type fonts. One website that I highly recommend for downloading free fonts is That is where I found Wolf Rain, the font that you see on my banner. I feel that it fits in quite nicely with the tachometer's font, and stands out from the usual everyday fonts.

With that said, please feel free to leave a comment as to how my blog is going. It's still very new and I've been making modifications to the layout nearly everyday, but once I'm satisfied with the layout, I will focus on writing original content. I've been averaging close to 100 unique visitors and over 200 page views a day. These numbers are a pleasant surprise, and I'd like to thank all of you that read my blog.

P.S. I hope everyone in school did well on their finals. Spring break is here!


Deals 3/25/07-3/31/07





The other day, Paul and I played a game called Chronon. You can find it here; it is one of the many flash games in the Eyezmaze series. Chronon is a puzzle game, where the objective is to create the "perfect ending."

I thought it was fairly entertaining, but Paul thought it was EXTREMELY entertaining. He spent a large portion of the day playing it, trying to get that "perfect ending." The game starts at 6:00 AM, and progresses throughout the day in 8 time intervals until 7:00 PM. The initial scene shows a rock monster leaving his home, and there is a little yellow stick figure trapped in a cage. During each time interval you are supposed to arrange the items in the room a certain way that will affect things in the next time slot. It's like a cause and effect puzzle, with a little "Butterfly Effect" mixed into it.

This is the game that I wasted my time playing instead of studying for finals. It seems like towards the end of every quarter I find something to waste my time on instead of studying for finals. So this is it for Winter of 2007. If anyone has any questions about the game or needs hints, feel free to send me an email. It took a while, but I eventually ended up with 100/100.



On a side note, Harry Potter 7 is out. It is the last and final book in the series by J.K. Rowling. It will be titled Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and will be released on July 21, 2007. Pre-orders are on sale already from Amazon: only $18.89 for the hardcover. I've already ordered mine!

Also, my review on 300 was featured in the newest episode of The Carnival of Cinema. Check it out here.

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My Name is Bond, James Bond - #22 to be Exact


I've been busy studying finals, or at least I should have been. However, I ran into this article that I couldn't help but post. The next James Bond movie, number 22 to be exact, has been confirmed. And not just confirmed, but the plot is said to pick up where Casino Royale left off.


I personally think that Casino Royale is the best modern day 007 movie that I've seen. I can't speak for the earlier ones, but I definitely prefer the new Bond, Daniel Craig, over Pierce Brosnan. The style of the movie is very different from the Pierce Brosnan era: instead of focusing on special effects and fancy high-tech gadgets, Casino Royale centers around the characters and their relationships with one another. It draws the audience in, and creates an emotional link between the viewers and the onscreen characters. Emotions other than those triggered by testosterone may begin to surface. However, the main theme of shooting people and sleeping with Bond girls is still there. Thank goodness. Hopefully the next Bond movie will continue this new style, and be as enjoyable as Casino Royale.

The bad news is that the movie doesn't come out until November of 2008!

With that being said, here's a snippet of the official article, as well as a link to it:

"Production designer Peter Lamont, who has worked on nearly every Bond film in some capacity, briefly discussed Bond 22 at a tribute to Pinewood Studios in France last week and confirmed the sequel approach." ... read the rest here.


Karma's a Bitch -- or NOT!


As some of you know, I live right across the street from Ralph's, which I frequently frequent. Yes that does make grammatical sense. So as I'm entering the parking lot, I see a shopping cart zoom by directly in front of me. Apparently someone just heaved their cart off in the general direction of a wall, hoping the cart would stop at the wall. Well it didn't. Instead, the cart bounced off the wall and started heading straight for a parked car, namely a white Toyota Corolla.

So being the good citizen that I am, I chase after the cart and stop it mere INCHES before it hits the car. OK it wasn't that close; it was more like a foot, but that's only due to my superior reflexes, forged and honed from the countless hours of daily gaming. For any normal person, it would have been inches. Anyway, I manage to stop the cart in time, and without thinking much of it, I continue on to buy groceries.

After I have all my groceries, I decide to use the self-checkout machine because I figure it'd be faster than waiting in line at a normal register. I scan and pay for all of my groceries with my credit card. Just as I'm about to leave, low and behold, I notice some money in the change slot. Apparently the person that used the machine before me forgot to take their change after paying, which results in me receiving $8.00 for my Samaritan deed.

Hopefully this story will inspire someone out there, somewhere, to do a good deed, if not out of the kindness of their heart, at least out of the hope of receiving free groceries.


DVDs from Amazon

Here are a couple of DVDs on sale that I stumbled upon. I highly recommend them all; most of them are on my favorite movies list!

Casino Royale (Widescreen 2-Disc Special Edition):
MSRP: $28.96
Amazon: $15.99 (45% off)

Goodfellas (2-Disc Special Edition):
MSRP: $26.98
Amazon: $13.47 (50% off)

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Full-Screen Edition):
MSRP: $89.98
Amazon: $24.99 (72% off)

The Departed (2-Disc Special Edition):
MSRP: $34.99
Amazon: $20.49 (41% off)




Friday night I went to the AMC at Century City with Chris to watch 300. We got there about an hour early, and it was a sold-out crowd. The movie is based on the comic book by Frank Miller (also titled 300) which is in turn based on the Battle of Thermopylae from ancient Greek times. Here are the 3 versions of the movie poster:




Note: May contain spoilers.

The movie is about how King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) and 300 Spartan men fought against the vast Persian army of Xerxes back in 480 BC. The tale is told from the point of view of Dilios, as he recounts the Battle of Thermopylae. Plot-wise, there is not much to say. Xerxes and his army of approximately 2.6 million (taken from wiki) want to invade Greece, so naturally, the Spartans decide to send their king and 300 men to stop them.

Apparently in Spartan, the men are not allowed to wear anything but a loin cloth and a red cape. Anything more, and you're consider a pansy politician. It is these very clothes-wearing, pansy politicians that refuse to send more soldiers to aid Leonidas. So the 300 march off to the north in order to fight the battle at a choke point called the Hot Gates, thus minimizing Xerxes' overwhelming advantage in numbers.

That's as far as it goes for the plot. The rest of the movie is a display of cinematography centered around violence, not that that's a bad thing. Limbs fly left and right, heads topple off still standing bodies, and one guy manages to jump 10 feet up into the air to lop off an arm. There is excessive usage of slow / fast motion, but I thought it was used fairly effectively. The fighting would be fast forwarded to the point right before a limb is about to be detached, upon which the speed does not return to normal, but instead goes into slow-mo to emphasize the steel cutting through flesh. It's like having TiVo, but for a movie.

The shading of the movie was bland and gray for the most part to depict the tensions of war. Important scenes, such as when Leonidas was giving a speech, are particularly grainy, while transitions, such as when the soldiers were marching or when the Persian messenger was riding to Sparta, were very smooth and well blended. I thought that the cinematography and visual effects of the movie were very creative, well planned, and meshed together to create a very visually appealing film.

Now I just wanted to talk about a few scenes from the movie, so there will be **SPOILERS HERE.*** At the very end, I was expecting more from the part where Leonidas throws his spear at Xerxes and grazes his face. Since Xerxes claims to be a god, he should be immortal. Once he starts bleeding from a spear thrown by a mere mortal, I would imagine that the rest of his minions would notice and turn on him. The majority of his army is made up of slaves and oppressed peoples; wouldn't it have been more dramatic if they had all turned around and saw Xerxes bleeding and decides to abandon his army? Xerxes would no longer be able to claim to be a god, and thus lose his power over his people.

I recommend this movie to anyone who likes action (guys), violence (guys), the slaying of countless people (guys), cool special effects (guys), and muscular men in loin cloths (girls). There is a feeble attempt at romance, but ends with the Queen becoming a whore. I think for the most part, this is a must-see for all guys, but girls may find it unappealing (unless you are a big fan of loin cloths).

P.S. - Repost due to archiving error


Pink, a Real Man's Color

This has been going in and out of stock the last few days.

Corral Pink Nintendo DS from Amazon-
MSRP: $129.99
Amazon: $129.99 + free shipping + no tax


Who Wouldn't?


A man and his football tickets...
A man had 50 yard line tickets for the Super Bowl. As he sits down, a man comes down and asks if anyone is sitting in the seat next to him.
"No," he says, "The seat is empty."
"This is incredible," said the man. "Who in their right mind would have a seat like this for the Super Bowl, the biggest sporting event in the world,and not use it?"
He says, "Well, actually, the seat belongs to me. I was supposed to come with my wife, but she passed away. This is the first Super Bowl we haven't been to together since we got married in 1987."
"Oh .. I'm sorry to hear that. That's terrible. But couldn't you find someone else, a friend or relative, or even a neighbor to take the seat?"
The man shakes his head. "No they're all at the funeral."

Joke stolen from the woman again. Finals are coming up (Monday and Tuesday) so I probably won't have much time to post original content. Just hoping that you guys haven't seen these copy/pastes.

In response:
s*: i'll HAUNT u if u don't go to my funeral


We Fly High - BALLIN'!

I recently received an email from EVA Airlines introducing me to their Hello Kitty jet, which I simply could not resist Google-ing. It mostly flies between Taiwan and Japan, but I checked their website (Chinese and Japanese readers only) and found out that they fly to LAX as well as a few other American airports.

View of the outside:

Hello! Kitty!

Hello Kitty interior seats:

Litter Box

Hello Kitty headrest TVs:

Kitty TV

Hello Kitty stewardess:

Kitty Lady

Hello Kitty food:

Mmm Kitty Food

And lastly, me flying Hello Kitty!


Expert photoshop courtesy of the woman, Wing. She's a real scholar.


Couple of Games from Amazon

Here are a few games on sale from Amazon:

Far Cry for Nintendo Wii-
MSRP: $49.99
Amazon: $33.99 free shipping

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin for Nintendo DS-
MSRP: $34.99
Amazon: $20.99

Labels: ,

Adventures of an Engineer - 3/12/07


This is going to be a segment that I will be writing that describes my experiences as an engineer at UCLA.

I'm trekking my way to class, minding my own business, when a girl next to me makes a sudden movement. I look at her but I don't notice anything out of the particular. She continues to walk ahead. All of a sudden, I see her veer out of the way. It appears that she is trying to walk in a pattern. Perhaps she is trying to avoid stepping on the cracks to avoid bad luck? Or is she walking only on the cracks, to trace a complete path between classes? Then it hits me. The constant crunching that accompanies her strange behavior gives it away. She is actually trying to step on every single leaf that crosses her path. I'm talking about bee-lining from leaf to leaf, not just the ones that are within easy reach. If you are a leaf currently residing on UCLA between Dodd and Royce, take caution as to where you fall. Hang on to your branch for dear life!

But there's more. Not about the Leaf Stomper, just my adventures in general.

So I reach my class after my close encounter. It's a boring typical engineering class about feedback and controls with the 99:1 ratio of guys to girls. Bleh. Today, the professor is demonstrating how to use MATLAB to simulate the effects of different controllers on a given system. Right. After he demonstrates a particularly boring point, a guy sitting 2 seats to my right starts to cheer and clap. Let me describe to you what this guy looks like. Actually, on second thought, I won't. The entire class is quiet as he cheers and claps, causing an awkward silence that apparently does not deter him from making further comments later on. The black guy sitting to my left takes a glance at him, and mutters "What the fuck?" under his breath. My roommate is sitting 1 seat to my right, making him the unlucky guy that had to be in direct contact with the Super Nerd. He whispers to me "Backdraft," which after a moment's thought I concluded must refer to the movie, which in turn refers to rooms bursting into flames, which in turn refers to the flaming behavior of the Super Nerd. After another hour and several other strange comments / outbursts, the class ends.

That's all for now, stay tuned for more adventures of an engineer.


Women are Evil


Job Posting for the FBI

The FBI had an opening for an assassin. After all the background checks, interviews, and testing were done, there were 3 finalists.

Two men and a woman.

For the final test, the FBI agents took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun.

"We must know that you will follow your instructions no matter what the circumstances. Inside the room you will find your wife sitting in a chair. Kill Her!!!" The man said, "You can't be serious, I could never shoot my wife." The agent said, "Then you're not the right man for this job. Take your wife and go home."

The second man was given the same instructions. He took the gun and went into the room. All was quiet for about 5 minutes. The man came out with tears in his eyes, "I tried, but I can't kill my wife."
The agent said, "You don't have what it takes. Take your wife and go home."

Finally, it was the woman's turn. She was given the same instructions, to kill her husband. She took the gun and went into the room. Shots were heard, one after another. They heard screaming, crashing, banging on the walls. After a few minutes, all was quiet. The door opened slowly and there stood the woman, she wiped the sweat from her brow.

"This gun was loaded with blanks" she said. "I had to beat him to death with the chair."

MORAL: Women are evil.
Don't mess with them.

-from wing, my evil woman


New Domain! Plus a Deal to Go with it


My blog has now relocated to The old URL still works, and will forward you to the appropriate place.
The domain itself was ~$7/year from
Use code: gdm0303a at checkout to receive 20% off all domain purchases.
Expires March 31, 2007


25% Off Used Games/DVDs at Gamestop


If you're into console games and want to save a buck or two, head over to GameStop. The used games section is in the top right hand corner where you can select a platform (includes Wii, PS3, and XB360). Apply coupon code AFF25 at checkout. Also works on used DVDs!


Smiley Face


Yes, that is the actual name of the movie I went to see at a free screening last week with Jimmy. It's starring Anna Faris from the Scary Movie series, John Krasinki from The Office, and John Cho from Harold and Kumar.

The movie is about Anna Faris being stoned. And that is literally it.

The movie is narrated in a flashback style, and recounts all of the rather mundane things that Faris does before ending up stranded on top of a Ferris wheel (Ferris/Faris get it?). There were really no exciting moments that jumped out at me, aside from the fact that she was stoned. The entire time. However, the movie does seem to fully capture the embodiment of being high. We actually get to see and hear the experiences of Faris from her perspective as she feels the effects of being high (ie. enhanced senses, inability to THINK etc.), which I thought was a nice touch. But other than that, the movie was pretty much just plain BAD.

It moved incredibly slow, there was little to no plot, and the acting was mediocre. I mean come on, how hard is it to pretend to be stoned? Or maybe she wasn't pretending, it's hard to tell. The theme behind the movie was played out as well (think Half-Baked, Harold and Kumar). The ending of the movie was a tragedy, and seemed to strangely convey the message "DON'T SMOKE WEED."

I strongly DO NOT recommend this movie. Hopefully, it goes straight to DVD and nobody else has to sit through this 1 hr. 24 min. bore. You are much better off waiting for Harold and Kumar 2.

The moral of the story is don't get high, and don't watch this movie. But if you insist on watching this movie, then please do get high prior to viewing.


Got Spellcheck? // The Flying Shoe



R*: they were supposed to put FIRE LANE
R*: but they put "FIRE LINE" and covered it
R*: and never fixed it HAHA
R*: it's like at the corner of my bus stop...and both sides of the corner...they made the same mistake twice
J*: so today i made a U turn
J*: at a driveway of an apratment complex
J*: and this foO withg a dog apparently lives there
J*: so as i was driving out
J*: he just started cussin at me
J*: he was yellin at me and shit
J*: he was hittin my car with his hands
J*: im lik ewtf -.-
J*: and as i drove off
J*: i heard a THUNK
J*: he threw a shoe at me
J*: it landed on my windshiled
J*: i was like WTF
J*: nice throw
J*: and i was using my wipers like crazy
J*: and the fukkin shoe wouldnt come off
J*: i was like wow -.-
J*: wut a little bitch
J*: he was like GET OUTTA HURR
J*: GO
J*: GET!


Portrait of Me



That's me, from the perspective of 4.5 year-old Kaylan, Wing and Jane's niece.

The Count of Monte Cristo: Classic Tale of Obsession, Revenge, and Cigars

I read this book sometime last quarter, and it was definitely one of the better novels that I have read. It was written by Alexandre Dumas in 1844 originally in French. The story takes place during the 1800's in France/Italy. It's actually based on a true event, which makes it all the more impressive.

*Note: May contain spoilers.

The book centers around Edmond Dantes, an ordinary sailor. Good fortune shines on him: he gets a promotion and becomes engaged with the girl he loves. But this good fortune causes jealousy in those around him, and his so called "friends" hatch a scheme that lands him in a far away prison, equivalent to present day Alcatraz. He is left to rot in prison with no pardon for over 14 years. During his time in prison, he meets an abbey. The abbey teaches Edmond everything he knows, which was quite a bit (several languages, chemistry, etc.) and lastly leaves him with the location of a buried treasure.

Edmond escapes prison through an ingenious way, which is actually based on a true event. I won't say how he managed to escape, because I thought that was one of the high points of the story, so you'll have to read the book to find out (BOO for reading!). Anyways, he recovers the treasure (buried on a small island called Monte Cristo, hence the Count of Monte Cristo), and begins to plot his revenge. He spends an additional 10 years planning and scheming, using the vast resources left to him by the abbey before finally implementing his revenge.

The rest of the story involves him using his massive wealth to systematically get revenge on not just those who had wronged him, but their families as well. His plots and methods of getting revenge are intricate, cruel, and plain effective. A bunch of seemingly irrelevant events are introduced to the reader as the book goes on. Some are so far out there that I couldn't figure out what the connection was until the punchline (or maybe I'm just dumb). However, in the end, every little detail and occurrence all ties back into the Count's master plan. I won't say how he did it, because that would ruin the story, but he is able to formulate a plan to "justly" punish all of those that wronged him according to their motives for originally taking away his happiness.

I spent the beginning of the book feeling sorry for him, and then cheering for him as he was getting his much deserved revenge. But towards the end, I started to feel that he was taking things too far, and that he had become consumed entirely by his hatred. All in all, I thought this was a great book. I highly recommend it for leisure reading, as well as for a class. There are tons of literary motifs, themes, and archetypes to be analyzed. I probably would've really enjoyed reading this book for a class. Wow I'm such a nerd.

Nerdy part aside, several COOL movies were based on it, including V for Vendetta. That's not a nerdy movie is it?

I just did a spell check using blogger, and it wanted to replace "Count's" with "cunts."


Old Joke

Was digging through my old blogs (2003) and came across this...still applies today!

An aircraft is about to crash. There are five passengers on board, but unfortunately only 4 parachutes. The first passenger says, "I'm Shaquille O'Neal, the best NBA basketball player. The Lakers need me, it would be unfair to them if I died". So he takes the first parachute and jumps. The second passenger, Hillary Clinton, says, "I am the wife of the former President of the United States. I am also the most dedicated woman in the world, a Senator in New York and America's potential future President." She takes one of the parachutes and jumps. The third passenger, George W. Bush, says, " I am the President of the United States of America. I have a huge responsibility in world politics. And apart from that, I am the most intelligent President in the history of the country and I have a responsibility to my people not to die". So he also takes a parachute and jumps. The fourth passenger, the Pope, says to the fifth passenger, a ten year old schoolboy, "I am already old and I have already lived my life. As a good person and a priest I will give you the last parachute". The boy replies, "No problem, there is also a parachute for you. America's most intelligent President has taken my schoolbag..."

Note: Shaq is no longer on the Lakers, but Bush is still president.


Launch in 3 2 1 !


Hello here, I've finally finished coding this page, and I'll be making my first post today. The coding is still messy, and I haven't put everything that I want on here yet, but I really wanted to start this site due to the fact that winter is almost over! Once it's over, I'll have to make a new banner, and I didn't want to waste the one I already made. Technically, spring doesn't start until March 20th, according to wikipedia. So until then, it will be winter on this page.

Most of you probably already know me, so I won't introduce myself. For those of you who don't, stick around and maybe you will. Wow that sounded awkward.

Anyways, I'm making this site because I've been having a lot of free time on my hands lately. I used to spend all my time playing Guild Wars, and the occasional game of DOTA (Warcraft 3) but I've quit both. So here I am. I'll be posting about anything that I encounter worthy of being posted. I'm still messing around with the HTML, so don't be surprised if you see columns flying all over the place. I made this page using IE7 in 1280x800. I tried my best to make it compatible with Firefox and other resolutions, but if you see any errors please do leave a comment.

P.S. I'm still up for that occasional game of DOTA.

"i'm fancy" - wingsai cho
